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Long-Term Gas System Planning Process

Pursuant to the Order Adopting Gas System Planning Process issued by the New York Public Service Commission on May 12, 2022, we’re developing long-term plans for our natural gas system along with the State’s largest energy companies. The Order requires, among other things, that each local distribution company file long-term plans on a three-year cycle. National Grid will file its initial long-term plan on or before May 31, 2024.

In accordance with the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) Order Adopting Gas System Planning Process, on May 31, 2024, National Grid submitted the company’s Initial Long-Term Gas Plan. This plan outlines the steps the company and the State need to take to put New York on track to achieve the State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act’s emission reduction goals. For more about the filing click here.

Review the Filing Documents

Technical Conferences

As part of the Gas System Planning Process, National Grid will conduct technical conferences to present information to stakeholders and PSC staff. The focus of these meetings will be our filing and related updates. We will post the meeting presentations following each conference. You can view the presentations below:

Summary of provisions in pending rate cases - Downstate Joint Proposal and Upstate filing - related to the Long-Term Gas Plan filing

Gas System Long-Term Plan Overview

Prior to the filing, on May 8, 2024, National Grid hosted an Informational Session for stakeholders to share information regarding our natural gas system generally and enable stakeholder participation in the long-term planning process. After the presentation there was a question-and-answer session to address matters related to the presented materials. Stakeholders can view the presentation here.

National Grid is committed to transforming our networks with smarter, stronger, cleaner energy solutions to deliver a more robust, resilient, and secure energy network for our customers and communities. If you have a question or need more information about how to engage during this process, please click here.

Visit our archives to view previous Natural Gas Long-Term Capacity Reports on potential solutions to address regional supply constraints.

Ways to Save Energy

National Grid offers customers several ways to save energy and money. Please visit our website to learn more:

NYC Metro (Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island)

Long Island (including Rockaways Peninsula)
